2025 trends in B2B Marketing

Chris reviews 3 exciting trends in B2B marketing from a recent Forbes article

Chris Wickson
Chris Wickson
January 20, 2025

There are plenty of 2025 predictions and trends in B2B marketing doing the rounds at the moment, some definitely better than others.

This Forbes piece caught my attention as one of the better ones (despite the obligatory laptop handshake stock image... I thought Gen AI was supposed to save us from these!?)

Anyway, 3 trends that really stood out to me as I think about ReelFlow going into 2025:

1️⃣ Video Storytelling: "Video is becoming key in B2B experiences. It boosts engagement in complex buying cycles and helps humanize brands - especially crucial as younger decision-makers reshape how business gets done."

2️⃣ Human-Driven Connections: "Post-Covid B2B needs that human touch. Sure, we've got data, AI, and automation driving revenue, but remember - your buyers are people first. Brand connections matter."

3️⃣ Video Beyond Marketing: "B2B companies are using video across the entire customer journey - from first hello to ongoing support. It's not just for marketing anymore."

These trends resonate with my many conversations with B2B folks over recent months and the challenges we’re helping our customers to solve with ReelFlow. Great validation that we’re building in the right direction.

Check out the full article on the Forbes website via this link.

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