Upcoming Events

With virtual events competing for limited calendar space, most registration pages fail to stand out. Adding interactive, short-form video previews turns registration into an invitation by showcasing your event’s energy, expertise, and value upfront, making attendees eager to join.

What is it?

Instead of just another form next to an event agenda, provide visitors with a reason to be excited with a short preview video. This gives you the platform to share what makes your event special, offer authentic glimpses of what's coming, and make registration feel like the natural next step. It's about turning "Should I attend?" into "I can't miss this.

Why does it matter?

We're all drowning in webinar invites and event announcements. Virtual events have become background noise, with most registration pages doing nothing to stand out from the crowd - just lifeless forms and bullet points. In a world where every minute of calendar space is precious, you're asking busy professionals to commit their most valuable resource - their time. Your event needs to prove its worth in seconds.

Video previews turn registration pages into compelling teasers that let potential attendees feel the energy before they commit. When people connect with your speakers and glimpse the insights they'll gain, they're not just more likely to register – they're more excited to attend and engage. By turning registration from a barrier into an invitation, you create the kind of momentum that fills virtual seats with eager participants.

Implementation Tips

Quick note: While we reference real companies, all people and scenarios in our examples are fictional.

Lead with energy and expertise

Let your speakers share what makes this event different. When they reveal their passion for the topic and hint at valuable insights, it creates immediate connection and iYour speakers are the heartbeat of your event—let them share their passion and unique insights. A short, energetic message from them can inspire confidence and curiosity.

Give them a taste of what's coming

Show snippets that highlight the practical value attendees will get. Let your experts preview the insights that will make attendance worthwhile.

Create clear paths to registration

Help potential attendees take action with confidence. Rather than hiding your registration behind layers of navigation, use the video to guide them naturally to sign up - whether they're ready to commit now or need more convincing first.

Make it count

Transform static registration into real excitement by:

  • Creating genuine enthusiasm for what's coming
  • Showing practical value worth calendaring
  • Making the expertise feel accessible
  • Building momentum before the event
  • Helping attendees share internally

Just give us a shout here if you need any help with setting this up!

Quick note: While we reference real companies, all people and scenarios in our examples are fictional.